Senior Infant School Tour

Senior Infants had an amazing day on their School Tour!

Making the most of the weather…

A massive thank you again to Susan Lawlor for leading 5th and 6th classes on fabulous walk today!

Student Council News!

Since our last update we have spent some of our Cake Sale earnings. We have bought 2 bags of soccer balls, cones and nets for the goals. The children in 6th class have attached the nets to the big goals. In June we will be organising a Culture Day to celebrate all of the cultures Read more…

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Aladdin Trouble

A massive congratulations to all of the children from Our Lady’s Meadow who put on an amazing show last week. We are so proud of you! Check out some pictures below.  

Aladdin Trouble!

The wait is almost over for our show ‘Aladdin Trouble’. The boys and girls have been working extremely hard to make this show a hit, especially 5th and 6th class who have even stayed back after school for rehearsals. All of the staff want to wish you all the very best of luck for tomorrow Read more…

Goodbye January, Hello February!

Well done to 3rd and 4th Class for telling us all about St. Brigid! A big thank you to 5th Class who brought Senior Infants on a Maths based ‘Shape-Hunt’ around our school. Some lucky pairs even found some pentagons!

Revised Parental Complaints Procedure- January 2024

Policies & Documents  

Junior Infants Update and More Carol Singing

Junior Infants enjoyed hot chocolate at The Castle Arms and loved shared-reading with 6th Class. The whole school performed beautiful carol singing on Thursday. Happy Christmas from everyone here at Our Lady’s Meadow and we wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Planting Bulbs before Christmas!!

5th Class and the rest of the school were busy planting Crocus Bulbs this week. Thank you Finn!

Carol Singing in Abbeyleix

Well done to 5th and 6th Class who sang beautifully for both staff and clients of Abbeyleix Health Care. A big thank you to Ray who came along and played guitar for us too!

Student Council Update before Christmas

The Student Council would like to say a huge thank you to all who donated to our 5th and 6th Class Bake Sale, supported our Bake Sale by buying some yummy treats and who bought tickets to our raffle. The Student Council made €899 which will go towards new yard equipment. Congratulations to Hannah in Read more…

Ms. Holohan’s 2nd Class!

2nd Class enjoyed completing some cool science experiments for Science Week back in November. We also made Christmas decorations from clay. Happy Christmas from everyone in 2nd Class!

Term 1 in Mrs. Lawlor’s Class!

A very busy and enjoyable first term was had by all in Mrs. Lawlor’s Class, judging by these photos!

What have 5th and 6th class been up to this week?

5th Class were invited to the library again this week for a workshop with famous illustrator ‘Alan Dunne’ (illustrator of ‘The Great Irish History Book’). 6th Class are continuing on their cycling journey and made it to the road this week. Well done all!

The Harps Ladies and Our Cumann na mBunscol Victory

Thank you to Ms. Delahunty and her team mates for bringing in the cup following their Junior Camogie win recently and for taking the time to chat with the children and sign autographs! Another huge congratulations to our Cumann na mBunscol team who went on to beat Cullohill in the final in what was described Read more…

Science Week

Well done and thank you to Rang a 5 and Rang a 6 for showcasing some fantastic science experiments for ‘Science Week 2023’. The younger classes enjoyed getting to watch and be part of some fascinating experiments.

Cycling in 6th Class

6th Class are having great fun while learning how to ride their bicycles carefully on the road!

New Laptops!

A huge thank you again to everyone who supported our ‘Witchy Walk’. Here is a picture of a very happy 6th Class working on our new laptops!

Admission Notice 2024/25

Please follow the link to our ‘Policies and Documents’ page where you will find our ‘Annual Admission Notice’. Policies & Documents