April 2024

RSE Policy doc05600220240422102006

Acceptable Usage of ICT Policy (AUP) doc05600320240422102100 (1) (1)

January 2024

Revised Parental Complaints Procedure (2024): doc05041520240108125413

November 2023

Admissions Notice

September 2023

Notification regarding BOM annual review of Anti-Bullying Policies

Anti-Cyber-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Child Safeguarding Statement

March 2023

Administration of Medicines Policy: doc03759320230330111927

Literacy Policy: doc03759220230330111819

December 2022

Special Class Application and Decision Dates for admission to 2023/2024. Click the link below.

Special Class Application and Decision Dates for admission to 2023 2024

Updated ‘Code of Behaviour’ and ‘Homework Policy’

Code of Behaviour

Homework Policy

September 2022

Updated Anti-Bullying Policy and Annual Review-

Anti Bullying Policy (2)

June 2022

RSE Policy: doc02317220220622094258

November 2021

Covid Response Plan- Policy Statement

Covid-Advice for Parents 

October 2021

Covid Risk Assessment Feb. 2021

December 2020-

Wellbeing Policy

School Self-Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan 2019-2020

SEN policy

SPHE Policy